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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Assassins Club by Dixon Rice - a review

Tyler Goode was just bartending, minding his own business in the flatlands of Montana. He served beer, broke up the occasional brawl, and attended classes at the local community college. He was ruggedly handsome and popular with the local ladies, so when he was attacked after hours by a brute of a man who Tyler had thrown out of the bar the night before, Tyler was ill-prepared for what came next.

Acting in self-defense and in a fight for his life, Tyler got in a lucky blow. With the man lying dead at his feet, Tyler realized that it actually felt great to have ridden the earth of this scourge of wickedness and was surprised at the good feelings this adrenaline rush provided.

Reading in the news about several criminal types who for one reason or another have gotten away with their crimes, Tyler decides to help them see the light and regenerate the rush he gets from killing. The police become aware of these vigilante-style killings and Tyler is always one step ahead of them until one fateful night when they come knocking at his door; however, when they tell him they know he’s doing it, but have no proof and want in on the action, the assassins club is born.

Rice, simultaneously, has a secondary story woven into the plot and it becomes apparent that eventually the two will become at cross purposes with each other. A ‘Jesus–pretender’ has gathered a crowd of followers and is literally dragging a cross across country, leaving a trail of death and destruction behind him, Manson-style. Just what his link is to his final destination, and to Tyler, is the mystery to be solved.

Rice has a written a cleverly compelling story that pulls the reader in knowing that final encounter will lead to the ultimate clash of good v. evil.


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