In what amounts to a tell-all-expose John Quinn describes his life for us all to read about... and what a story!
Growing up a cop's son in Detroit, Quinn was one of three of seven siblings that were born with a medical disorder - in his case cerebral palsy. His parents... treated John and his affliction like a normal kid. His Dad knew life would be hard and so gave John the mental tools to deal with his future.
Quinn wrestled his way through high school while wrestling on how to fulfill his dream of joining the Navy. He never won a wresting match and flunked his first attempt at the military's physical but this never-say-die character took life as it came at him, shook it off and found a way to dig deep and conquer his fears and physical inabilities.
Fourteen years later, after serving on board a battleship and working out with the elite Navy SEALS Quinn finally retired and not until writing this book did he ever tell anyone in the Navy that he suffered from cerebral palsy. That's right, he hid his disability from the Navy, toughed it out and became an exemplary sailor and human being.
Are you having a tough day, work getting you down? Have a read of John Quinn's "Someone Like Me' and get over yourself!
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